Monday, March 13, 2017

Day 13. Part 1. March 13. Mile 153.5 to Molina Basin Trailhead, Catalina Highway (Mile 161.6)

Day 13. Part 1. Monday, March 13. Mile 153.5 to Molina Basin Trailhead, Catalina Highway (Mile 161.6). Walked 8.1 miles, 1459 up, 1146 down. 

Dear Trail Friends,

I am sitting under a tree in shade waiting for Anne and Steve. They will pick me up at 2pm. I actually arrived at 11am, but had (and have) no cell coverage to let them know. Actually it is very pleasant to sit and relax and wait here. There are people to watch (I just had a conversation with a woman birdwatcher) and listen to, and birds. It's fun to watch the cars and RVs drive by. I am at the entrance to a campground as well as a trailhead. It also gives me a little time to make the transition from the trail. 

As I sit here it feels like today was a short and easy day. But while I was hiking uphill on a typically steep rocky trail in typical relentlessly hot sun it did not seem short and easy at all. And I was talking to myself saying "you think you can hike 7 miles down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon then hike up - basically 5 times what you are doing now - all in one day?" My answer was "yes. Or at least I hope so. Remember how bad I felt when I was training? I couldn't believe I could hike up that trail with a 10 pound pack, let alone 30. But I did." Little by little, imperceptibly, if I keep putting one foot in front of the other, I get stronger. 

I started even earlier than usual, about 6:20. I had found a wash to camp in. The dry stream bed is something half way between gravel and sand and works well to put a tent on - except for getting stakes to hold. I had to use lots of big rocks. Are there stakes that will hold in sand? Do any of you know? I may have to consider buying a free-standing tent for my hike on the Oregon Coastal Trail. 

Starting out in darkness I was walking right toward the full moon. Slowly the world around grew lighter and the moon changed. By full daylight it looked like a small round cloud. I invite you to walk through daybreak with me in photos 1 through 4. In 4 the moon is very hard to see, pale and cloud-like, but it's there. (Look above just where the hill to the right starts to slope up. )





To be continued 

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