Monday, March 13, 2017

Day 12. Part 1. March 12. Grass Shack Camp (Mile 135.3) to Mile 153.5

Day 12. Part 1. Sunday March 12. Grass Shack Camp (Mile 135.3, elev. 5287) to Mile 153.5, elev. 4020. Walked 18.2 miles, 4017 ft up, 5317 ft down. 

Dear Trail Friends,

When I got up early this morning and began the long climb from Grass Shack Camp (5287 ft) to the high point of this trail section (8600 ft), I was very glad for the rest yesterday afternoon and to be hiking in the early morning cool. 

I had felt left out when all the others went on to Manning yesterday and I did not feel encouraged to join them. But I soon realized that I actually preferred the quiet and solitude. What a powerful fear i have, we humans have, of being outcasts, not belonging. I think that is one reason the political issue of refugees and immigrants moves me deeply. 

Photo 1 shows the sunrise. I started hiking in the dark at 5:45 and reached Manning camp at 8:30. There was only one tent there. While my friends and others probably left early, I suspect there were empty sites. People probably reserve them and don't bother to cancel when their plans change. 


I enjoyed being st Manning Camp in the quiet and all alone. Again I had hoped the others might still be there, then realized I actually enjoyed it more on my own. While sitting and enjoying breakfast and letting my water filter I was gazing across a pool of water and surprised to see snow. That made me wonder - after all this heat, might I now be hiking through serious snow on the north side of the mountain? Photo 2 shows my glimpse of snow. 


I was very relieved that there was only one very short patch of snow on the trail. Other patches of snow started to remind me of Casper the Friendly Ghost (I think he was a cartoon character of my era - not really sure. Google would know. But I have no cell service here. ) photo 3 shows Casper the friendly snow-ghost. 



I hiked up another 600 ft or so beyond Manning Camp and when I created I had one of those moments of gasping with surprise at beauty. I was so glad no one had told me to watch for these rock formations. It was a thrill to be taken by surprise. 


For the rest of today's journey see Day 12, part 2. 

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