Thursday, April 13, 2017

Day 44. Part 1. April 13. From Flagstaff Urban Trail Mile 6.7 to Junction with AZT at mile 593.4 to mile 605.3

Day 44. Part 1. Thursday, April 13.  From Flagstaff Urban Trail Mile 6.7, elevation 7113 ft, to Junction with AZT at mile 593.4, elevation 7809 ft, to mile 605.3, elevation 8940. Walked 8.8 miles on urban trail, plus 12 miles on official AZT, for a total of 20.8 miles. For the 12 miles on the AZT, walked up 1817 ft, down 742 ft, total grade 213.2 ft/mi. 

Dear Trail Friends,

I had a wonderful evening with trail angels Tim and Melody last night, being with them and their dogs, sharing delicious food, getting wise advice about trail decisions around shoes and micro spikes, talking gear with zest, and finding ourselves in a much deeper and more emotionally intimate conversation than I think any of us expected. I think I've said this before but it strikes me again that friendships on the trail remind me of friendships formed when I was young. I think there is an openness, a sense that anything is possible, that I associate with being young, and that the trail makes possible even in my advanced stage of youth (as my friend Peter McC refers to it). 

Much of today I felt and contemplated the mystery and miracle of such meetings, where hearts open to each other so quickly and easily and naturally, as if I hadn't spent a lifetime learning to be cautious and guarded because relationships are difficult and dangerous. Mostly I just felt lucky and happy. 

Photos 1 and 2 are of Melody and Tim and the figs Noah and Tibber (Noah seems to have the gift of utter relaxation usually reserved for cats). Just my tribute to the joyful and deeply restorative time in their home and the beautiful opening between us. 


When you see a dog that relaxed you know he feels safe and loved in the world. The same way I felt in their home and I suspect all their runner and hiker guests have felt. 

Unbelievably, Tim got up and drove me to the trail so I could start at 5 am. That was a real treat for me. The urban part of the hike was lovely with a gentle climb. 

Photo 3 shows trees in the morning sun. 


Photo 4 is me with the hawk feather Melody gave me that I sewed to my hat. 


Photo 5 is one of those just right moments. A rock, a young pine, and its shadow. A beauty and sense that all is well with the world that I felt in my body. I love it when beauty affects my whole physical being and not just my mind. 


To be continued in Day 44, part 2


  1. Love your reflections on the simple things along the way. Many might just overlook the beauty (a rock, a young tree, a flower) you so carefully notice.

    1. Thank you Shelly. So magical the way having Trail Friends who notice and appreciate helps me to do so.
