Sunday, April 2, 2017

Day 30. Part 1. March 30. Mile 386.5 to Mile 402.2

Day 30. Part 1. Thursday March 30. Mile 386.5, elev. 3436 ft,  to Mile 402.2, elev. 5244 ft. Walked 15.7 miles, 3570 up, 1696 down, total grade 336.4 ft/mile. 

Dear Trail Friends,

I started hiking in the dark at 5:15am. I managed to stay on trail fine in the dark but after it got light I went striding off on a two-track road not noticing the one-track trail leaving it but thinking how easy the trail was today, with its smooth tread. Fortunately I figured out a way to road walk back to the trail without going back so I probably only hiked an extra mile. Photo 1 is when I was safely reunited with the trail. 


But going astray has its consolations. On my "detour" I passed through a gate and walked among a half dozen horses. Here they are along with prickly pears in the "everything is illuminated" first light of morning. 


Chris asked me what mountains I was hiking up into today. They are the Mazatzal mountains. She also asked about the Superstition Mountains. I hiked through them just before Roosevelt Lake. I like these a lot. Photo 3 is as I approach them. 


For today's celebration of spring here's another collage


I encountered what I thought was my first rattlesnake today. He (or she?) was starting across the trail just as I approached. I nearly stepped on his head. Fortunately I saw him and backed up. He quietly crossed the trail. When I saw his tail from my safe distance I was a little disappointed to see there were no rattles. 


To be continued in Day 30, part 2

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